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Sometimes when things get crazy in life we don’t stop to think how amazing it is to be with each other.  Your family is the most valuable things you have, and for the most part they are the ones that you spend the least amount of time with.  This is a s shame and when we pulled the girls out of school we decided that we were going to spend more time with them.  We took them to work, taught them things around the house, took them shopping, things they never even knew was a daily task – most kids don’t have a clue what it takes to get those items so easily grabbed from the fridge. We allowed them to help in every aspect of life.  You would be surprised but they loved it.

In school we are taught that school is the single most important thing you could be doing but in reality it didn’t teach us anything about the real world.  life teaches us about life not school; and the only way to live is to live.  So we allowed our kids to live.   Our 10 year old girls can now bake, cook, shop, and clean, and take care of themselves when most 30 year old’s can barely do any of those things.

We love to bake as a family and we love to make great dinners together – so it’s perfect; We made work into play and made it to where we could all do it together.  The girls also know where every penny comes to our family.  They know when we are going through tough times and they know when we are doing good.  Not just because we say so but because they can see everything.  It’s a farry tail to think that kids should not be concerned with politics and money because the sooner they are concerned with it, the sooner they can understand it and grow with it; as not to be stumped when it comes time to deal with it themselves.

One thing I should make clear though is, that we do not believe in stripping the childhood out of their lives, but simply add worthwhile things when there would normally be mundane things like worrying about repetative school tasks that led them no where.  No in the contrary – our girls have been to Disneyland 4 times, Magic Mountain, The Grand Canyon, Every fun place in Las Vegas,  and many other fun places.  They know how to play and have fun and have very good imaginations when it comes to their play.